95th Annual Alpha Theta Chapter Celebration
The Do Work District
Alpha Theta In The Sphinx Magazine
Since the founding of Alpha Phi Alpha’s Sphinx magazine in 1914, the African-American community has looked to the publication for its profound insight on issues of the day. The Sphinx® is preserved in libraries and archives across the country as an historical record of occurrences in the community. The Sphinx® is the nation’s second oldest African-American publication still in existence.
The Sphinx® Magazine has one goal: to be the source of for innovative ideas for members/readers to utilize to create, lead, and transform their communities. Since its inception in 1914, The Sphinx® has a proud tradition of being one of the world's preeminent fraternal magazines, publishing cutting-edge, authoritative thinking on key issues facing today's communities.
Since the founding of the Alpha Theta Chapter in March of 1922, the brothers at the University of Iowa have been writing and sharing their journey with the brotherhood, and beyond. In January of 2012 Brother Anthony Ferguson, Jr Fall 2011 initiate into the Alpha Theta Chapter assumed the role of Chapter President and Historian. During his time as historian Brother Ferguson passionately sought to uncover over 90 years of history including photos, documents, articles, loss brothers, etc., as well as establish this website for the chapter so that this history could be accessed by all with an interest in learning more. This project Brother Ferguson took on isn’t over, but through his hard work, passion, and dedication, the brothers of the 30th House of Alpha and all that has an interest in the history in Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity can look through the records to gain a better understanding. Here are all the articles published in the Sphinx written by, and about the men of the Alpha Theta Chapter.