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May 1939


Alpha Theta Chapter Iowa City, Iowa  Greetings Brothers:  At this writing the chapter has its program well under way for the Go-To-High School, Go-To-College Campaign. We are planning on presenting a program in the A.M.E. Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. We take this time to wish all chapters, as well as the National organization, the most successful campaign in the history of the fraternity.  



The brothers took advantage of the spring vacation to rest up a bit from the hard labors of the second semester and to enter the home stretch for June and graduation. For some it was an occasion to go visiting. Among those who were out of town for the holidays with his parents in Oklahoma City; (By the way, Miss Velma Dean went along also). Bros. Bennie D. Brown and “One-y” Jones visited Lincoln University at Jefferson City, Missouri.  




Besides the annual Spring Prom that the frat gives each year in May, and for which plans are already being made, which means that many of our good brothers will depart from Alpha Theta Chapter and enter the struggle for economic security. Among those who are expecting to graduate are Bros. Earl Smith, B.A. in Chemistry, Thomas Pawley, M.A. in Dramatic Art, and William Hebert, M.A. in Fine Arts. Others expecting degrees in August are Bros. George R. Ragland and Clifton R. Jones, M.A. in Sociology, and Thomas P. Dooley, Ph.D. in Biology. To all other prospective candidates for degrees Alpha Theta wishes you much success. To all good brothers everywhere we say, ‘On to New York and the Alpha Convention.” I’ll be seeing you there. 



Until the next time, I remain, 


Your Correspondent, Clifton R. Jones

© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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