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November – December 1939


Alpha Theta Chapter  University of Iowa 


Greeting Brothers: 

Alpha Theta is happy to have the opportunity to welcome back all Alpha men to the various college and university campuses throughout the country and wish them all a very successful school year. 


June and graduation has depleted the ranks of Alpha Theta, but our loss has been someone else’s gain and we are more than glass to surrender our good brothers to serve humanity in a broader capacity. Those who received degrees here at the University of Iowa during the past year were as follows: June: Brothers William Hebert, M.A. in Art; Thomas D. Pawley, M.A. in Dramatic Art; and Earl Smith, B.A. in Chemistry; August: Brothers Thomas P. Dooley, Ph.D. in Biology William Perry, Ph.D. in Chemistry; Clifton R. Jones, M.A. in Sociology; and George R. Ragland, M.A. in Sociology. 

Brothers Dooley, Pawley, and Perry are now members of the faculty of Prairie View State College, Bluefield State Teachers College, Bluefield, W. Va. Brother Earl Smith has an assistantship in the department of Chemistry at Howard University, and Brother Ragland is teaching at Taft, Oklahoma. 

The following brother have returned to continue or begin work toward their Ph.D. degrees: Brother Rodney Higgins and Alexander Walker in Political Science, Brother Augustus Law, in History; Brother Simpson, of Alabama State, in Chemistry; and brother Clifton R. Jones, in Sociology. Brother Frank Nicholson and Perkins are completing their work toward their M.A. degrees in Biology and Chemistry respectively.   

All brother of Alpha Theta have returned to the University of Iowa after a very eventful adventurous summer with a zest almost hitherto unknown, and really mean to make this a banner year. Brother Cunningham has returned after spending the summer in West Virginia; Brother Law divided his time between St. Augustine, Fla., and St. Louis, Mo. Brothers Jones spent his six weeks’ vacation in New York, Philadelphia, and So. Boston Virginia. 


The Convention held during the past summer was a very inspiring one and year correspondent is sincerely glad to have been a part of it. 


Here’s wishing Alpha Chapters and Alpha men everywhere a most prosperous and successful year. 


Until the next time I remain, 

Clifton R. “ONE-Y” Jones.

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