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February 1940


Alpha Theta Chapter 

Iowa University  


Greetings Brothers:  


Alpha Theta is glad of this opportunity to wish all brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha a Happy and Most Prosperous New Year. I’m sure that Christmas was a time of great cheer for all good brothers of A. Phi A.


The brother of Alpha Theta Chapter took the opportunity afforded by the Christmas recess to travel and see old friends and to renew acquaintances. Bro. Walker and Bro. Cox spent the holidays in Oklahoma and Arkansas; Bro. Higgins and Bro. Perkins went to St. Louis; Bro. Augustus Low spent the vacation in Omaha, Nebr., and Bro. “One-y” Jones spent the holidays in a most delightful manner in South Boston and Richmond, Virginia. Only Bros. Cavell, Cunningham, and Simpson were left here in Iowa City to keep the lights of A Phi A house burning while the others were away having their fun. And if shadows under the eyes and loss of weight are any indication of the fun they had, they had a lot of it. Bro. Tandy, who went to Detroit, is still trying to catch up on his sleep. 


A bouquet to the brothers of Beta Gamma Lambda for that swell Christmas dance. If we can believe Bro. Jones’ account of it, it was good. And how!  


True to the traditions of Alpha Phi Alpha the brothers of Alpha Theta Chapter stand high in scholastic achievement of Iowa. Recent records show that brother Abishi Cunningham a junior law student, has made the Iowa Law Review; Brother Winston Cavell is Co-analyst in the department of Chemical Engineering; and Brother Jones was elected to the local chapter of the honorary sociological fraternity, elected a member of the membership committee, and, by unanimous vote, was elected Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Sociology Club. 


Plans for the Annual Founders’ Day formal dinner dance are progressing very rapidly. Friday, February 9, is the date of the party and we expect to make it a gala affair.  Practically everyone now is working feverishly preparing for semester exams. To all brothers everywhere who are going through the same ordeal we extend to you our sympathy and best wishes.  The one sad note that creeps in at this point is the passing of Brother James Booker, formerly of Gamma Chapter now a member of Omega. Alpha Theta joins Gamma and the entire fraternity over the loss of Brother Booker.


Until the next time, I remain, 

Your correspondent,  Clifton R. “ONEY” Jones. 

© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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