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December 1940


Alpha Theta Chapter 


Iowa University 




Ye scribe wishes to apologize for not sending the chapter’s greetings in the last issue. We are, however, still spreading the spirit of Alpha our here where the tall corn grows.  



Alpha Theta started the year off without the services of five brothers: A.J. Walker who received the PH.D. degree in history and is now teaching at Langston University; Clifton R. Jones now graduate assistant in the sociology department at Fisk University; Inman Perkins who received his M.S. in chemistry; Joseph Tandy who remained in Detroit and Cortez Cox who is teaching in Oklahoma.  




The present roster includes President, Jimmie Peoples an undergraduate student in commerce; Vice President Harold Motin undergraduate student in electrical engineering; Recording Secretary, Augustus Low who is to receive his Ph.D. in history this January; Corresponding Secretary G. Romeo Ragland, working toward the Ph.D. in Sociology; Treasurer, Cohen Simpson, member of the faculty at Alabama State Teachers College who is working toward the Ph.D. in chemistry; “I” G. W. S. Ish of Little Rock graduate student in chemistry; C. Lewis Duckett ‘the Great’ working toward the Ph.D. in general psychology; George Moore, graduate student in speech and dramatic art; John B. Manly, instructor in the Howard University School of Medicine, who is doing work in Orthopedic surgery, and last but not least Abishi Cunningham the lad who placed Welch, West Virginia on the map. Abie is to graduate from the law school this spring.  



Our Hawkeyes lost their homecoming game, but Alpha Theta dispelled all gloom with a party that shall long be remembered by every guest present. The brothers are now looking forward to the Founder’s Day celebration. By the time you read this the occasion will be another fond memory.  


Word reaches us that Bro. Alexander Walker took on something besides a Ph.D. It seems that the former Miss Dollie Thomas was the fortunate lady.  



Alpha Theta takes this opportunity to wish all Alpha men a Merry Christmas and a successful and prosperous New Year. 


Fraternally yours, 

G. Romeo Ragland, Jr 




P.S. Abishi sends special greetings to Brothers ‘Max’ Johnson and ‘Sleepy Phillips’ at Meharry. We both send hello to Clifton R. ‘O-ney’ Jones, Fish University.

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