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February 1941


Alpha Brother Appointed to the Nebraska State Staff of National Youth Administration


Brother Bennie Brown, a recent graduate of the State University of Iowa with B.A., and M.A. degrees, was recently announced by Miss Gladys Shamp, State Director of NYA, to have been appointed as State Youth Personnel Supervisor for the NYA. Brother Brown’s work is largely that of counselling with Negro youth in various communities of Nebraska – particular in Lincoln and Omaha. 


This is a new position in the State of Nebraska. He is well prepared for the position, having studied in the field of economics and sociology at Iowa State University. His experience as Associate Editor for the Omaha Star for over a year; as vice president of the Junior Negro Chamber of Commerce; and chairman for the program and publicity committee of St. John’s A.M.E. Church and other civic work has results in a wide contact which proves valuable to the National Youth Administration and its services to youth.  


Brother Brown is also musically inclined, having served for five years as a member of the Iowa Symphony Orchestra as first violinist. He is a member of Beta Xi Lambda Chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He was recently married to a very charming young lady, the former Miss Lila Pryor, assistant dietician with the Nebraska Power Company. 


Brother Brown has become very active in the field of youth activities and our guidance work during recent months and became a member of the Youth Guidance Council and the Committee for Occupational Adjustments of Negro Youth a short time ago

© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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