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November 1941


Alpha Theta Chapter  University of Iowa 


Greetings Brothers:


Alpha Theta is happy once more to greet our brother in A Phi A. After spending a very profitable summer six brothers have returned to carry on for Alpha Theta. Those returning are Bro. Joe Tandy, junior in the College of Pharmacy; Bro. Wilkerson, junior pre-med; Bro. Jimmy Peoples, senior Commerce; Bro. George Meadors, freshman in Pharmacy; Bro. Graves, Coach of Morris Brown now on leave of absence, working toward his Ph.D.,; and Bro Clifton R. Jones who has returned after a year at Fisk to complete his work toward his Ph.D.


Graduation last June depleted the ranks of Alpha Theta, and we sorely miss our departed brother. However, we are greatly compensated for our loss in the knowledge that those brothers are now rendering a very valuable service in the communities in which they are now living. Among those who are no longer with us, and who received degrees either in June or August are: Bro Abishi Cunningham of Welch, W. Va., J.D.; Bro. Cohen Simpson of Montgomery, Ala., Ph.D., in Chemistry; Bro. Augustus Low of St. Louis, Mo., Ph.D., in History; and Bro. Harold Motin of Kansas City, Mo., B.S. in Electrical Engineering. Bro. Simpson is professor of Chemistry at Alabama State, Montgomery, Ala., Bro. Low is teaching at Bennett College, Greensboro, N.C., and it is very gratifying to know that Bro. Motin is a Junior Engineer at the Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Among those who did not complete their work and are planning to return at a later date are Bro. Stanley Ish, and Bro. George Ragland, Jr., of Oklahoma City.


Homecoming at U. of I. found Alpha Theta holding forth in traditional style. Although we are without our chapter house, and this presents some-thing of a handicap, we were able to entertain our visiting brothers in grand style. We deeply regret that Bro. Bennie Brown of Omaha, Nebraska was unable to make the trip as he had formerly planned. But an automobile accident in which a friend of his was killed, in route to Iowa City, caused him to change his plans. 

Two things are uppermost in the minds of the chapter member right now. First is the Founder Day Dinner for December, and second, a delegation to the Annual Convention in Louisville during the festive holiday season. 



Until the next time, we remain, Y

our correspondent,  Clifton R. “One-Y” Jones

© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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