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May 1943

Alpha Theta  Iowa University 



Once again Alpha Theta Chapter extends greeting and best wishes to the Brothers throughout the country, and to all Brothers in the armed forces wherever they are serving. 



 Like all chapters, Alpha Theta is experiencing all the hardships of a country at war; and one by on we have seen our brothers inducted into the armed forces. Members of Alpha Theta Chapter now serving our country are as follows: Sergeant Joseph F. Tandy, Jr., now serving in Hawaii; Captain John Manly, in the Medical Corps, now serving in Africa; Brother Abishi Cunningham; Brother Inman Perkins, stationed at Tucson, Arizona; and Brother Bennie Drew Brown is now U.S.O Director in Tacoma, Washington. In spite of the depletions which the war has made in our membership, Alpha Theta is carrying on in true Alpha Phi Alpha spirit. 



On March 5, two new members crossed the burning sands and were welcomed into Alphadom. The neophytes are – Brothers Landry E. Burgess, Ph.D. candidate in the department of zoology, and Richard L. Sykes, a junior in pharmacy. On the following evening, March 6, a formal dinner was held in the private dining room of the Iowa Memorial Union in honor of the new initiates and of the founders of Alpha Theta Chapter. Among those present were: Brothers George S. Meadows, Jr., President; Clifton R. Jones, Secretary; Ardis P Graves, Treasurer; James D. Parks, Toastmaster; Landry E. Burgess, and Richard L Sykes. Our charming guests included Mesdames Evelyn McDaniel, Helen Lemme, and Lois Towles McNeely; Misses Francis Mills and Sophia White. 




Following the dinner there was a party held at the domicile of Mrs. Lemme which lasted until the wee hours, and was climaxed by an early breakfast of bacon, eggs, rolls and coffee- Brother “One-y” Jones and Mrs. McNeely doing the honors. 

On March 15, at 7:30am Brother Graves became the proud father of an eight-pound baby girl, and immediately brother Graves began to pass around the cigars. Not to be outdone, the very next day Brother Meadors became the proud father of a six-pound son, and a future Ape. Mothers and children are doing nicely; fathers are suffering from a slight case of “swelled chest.” Neither dares wear his vest any more. 


Until the next time I remain, your correspondent. 

Clifton R. “ONE-Y” Jones

© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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