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Fall 1979


Iowa Zeta Kappa Lambda, along with Alpha Nu (Drake) and Alpha Theta (University of Iowa), present Brother Darwin T. Turner, Chairman of Afro-American Studies, University of Iowa, in Decmeber. Dr. Turner, A Phi Beta Kappa graduate from the University of Cincinnati at the age of sixteen, brilliantly commemorated the goals and ideal of the Seven Jewels in Afro-American, Carribean and African poetry. Dr. Turners own career of scholarly teaching and writing is a testimony to the fraternity’s aim of “Manly Deeds, Scholarship, and Love for All Mankind”.  



The Founders’ Day program was the culmination of the Chapters’ first state convention in Iowa. Organized and promoted successfully by State Director Brother Everett Mays, the convention included workshops and sessions left by Midwestern Vice President Thomas D. Pawley, Executive Secretary James B. Blanton and Midwestern Assistant Vice President Broderick Houston. Brother Pawleys now famous ritual speech challenged all the brother to live up to the precepts outlined in the ritual and personified in our rich heritage.  



The kick-off for our eventful year began with an all-day planning retreat held in late august under the leader of our second-term proxy, Brother Paul Danforth. At the time, the program, budget, committee assignments and projects were planned for the year with the retreat ending with an old-style Alpha Smoker.  



Our fraternal spirit was temporarily dampened when Brother Melvin Allen suffered a major heart attack in February. From this experience we learned another dimension of brotherhood in terms of comfort to a brother and his family in time of distress. After two major operations and a prolonged convalescence period we are happy to report that Brother Allen is back in school pursuing his doctorate at Drake University.

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