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 Fall 1988


Alpha Theta   On The Move  


Greeting to all Alphadom from the Alpha Theta chapter at the University of Iowa. It has been a long time since we have submitted a newsletter to the Sphinx. Some of you Brothers out there probably thought that there were not even any Alpha chapters in the state of Iowa. Well, we are one chapter, among the other three that are here in the state that is continuing to carry the torch of Alpha Phi Alpha. 


The Alpha Theta chapter has come a long way. In a three year period we have moved from a chapter of only two members, to one of eleven. This was made possible by the dedication of our graduate chapter Nu Chi Lambda. The Brothers that we have taken over since 1986 are as followers: Spring 86 Tyron “Rock” Walls. Fall 86 Rodney “Solidstate” Kyles and Brain “Lighthouse” Boysaw. Spring 87 Michael “Aristotle” Wilson, Patrick “Galaxy” Glenn, Terrence “Sparky” Watts. Gregory “Orpheus” Kelley, Rodney “Bedrock” Sturgeon, Willie “Survivor” Watson, and Michael “Phoenix” Thomas. Last, but not least, our neophyte, who crossed the sands April 10, 1988, Paris “Midas” Lewis. 



The 1987-88 year was a very active one for our chapter. In the fall we acquired a beautiful seven room house which is located a mile from the main campus. Also, since Iowa was the first state that the presidential primaries started in, the Brothers were very active in campaigning for the Rev. Jesse Jackson. We ended the fall semester by having a massive canned food drive the week of our founders for the needy in Iowa City. 



When the Brothers arrived back on campus in the spring we immediately got underway. On Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday we showed a documentary film on Dr. King and his activities in the Civil Rights movement, following the movie we had a discussion about how we as black students and future leaders can keep the dream alive. The following Friday, along with our Black Student Union, we held a special church service in memory of Dr. King. Three weeks after the King activities we volunteered the use our house in order to educate people on the procedures of a caucus, and the following week we held a big rally at the house and led a march on the way to the caucus place. When April rolled around Alpha Phi Alpha was “first of all’ once again as we helped put together a rally for black solidarity on the University of Iowa campus. Our crowning moment of the year was when we won first place in the University of Iowa Greek Finale. 


Several honors were bestowed upon Brothers this year also. Brother Rodney Sturgeon, who will be attending the University Of Iowa Law School in the Fall, was the recipient of the University of Iowa Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr award for the most outstanding minority student. Brother Brian Boysaw will also be attending the U. of I. Law School in the fall. Brother Michael Wilson was elected President of the Black Greek Caucus. Brother Gregory Kelley was elected Vice President of the Black Student Union. Brother Willie Watson was elected to the Student Senate, and Brother Paris Lewis was recognized by the University for Academic Excellence. We are also proud of our new brother because he was recently accepted into a minority business program. 


The Brothers look back on 1987-88 and we say among ourselves “it was great”, but we are determined and dedicated to make the 1988-89 year even “greater”! Our newly elected officers are: Terrence Watts, President; Patrick Glenn, Vice President; Willie Watson, Secretary; Paris Lewis, Treasurer; Willie Watson, Dean of Pledges; Michael Thomas, Parliamentarian; Michael Wilson, Editor-to-the Sphinx; and Gregory Kelley, Director of Education. 


For the fall one of the very first things we will be doing is throwing a party to raise money for the N.A.A.C.P. And along with several community projects we will be preparing for a ball and a Miss Black and Gold Pageant on the weekend of Founders. 



This is not the last time that Alphadom will hear about the Brother from Alpha Theta chapter, for we will continue to be in the forefront just as our seven founders were back in 1906. May we all continue to hold it high for Alpha Phi Alpha. 


-Michael Wilson 

© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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