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                         April 1924





Alpha Theta Chapter

State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa


Brother in Alpha Phi Alpha, Greetings:


            Alpha Theta started the New Year with the election of the following officers:


  • Bro. Rhoderic H. Harris – President

  • Byron McDaniel – Vice President

  • J. A. Blaine Dejoie – Secretary

  • T.O. Roberts – Treasurer

  • William McCord – Historian

  • Clifford V. Smith – Sphinx Editor


This makes Brother Harris’ second time as president of Alpha Theta since the inception of the chapter, being the founder of the chapter and serving as its first president. The brothers are fully aware of his ability as a leader, and are looking forward for big things from him.


We have no so-called brilliant scholars; but every man is above average in his respective College. We are represented in every College except the College of Law. Not only are the members doing good, but also the pledges’ and we are proud of the fact that every pledge has a C plus average, and all are good Alpha Phi Alpha material.


At the recent Illinois-Iowa track dual track and field meet (indoor), Alpha Phi Alpha had two representatives; Brother George Kyle of Tau, and Brother T. O. Roberts of our own chapter. Brother Kyle is a coming dash man, if not now. In his heat he led the field to the tape, finishing first in 5-4/10 seconds, tying the local record for the 50 yard dash. In the finals running against some of the best dash men in the country, he was nosed out for first place by a hair. The time in the final was the same as that made by him in his heat.


Our own chapter was represented by Brother Roberts of St. Louis, Missouri. Brother Roberts entered as a freshman in the fall of 1922. At the freshman meet the he won a second in the 100-yard dash and a first in the broad jump. He was largely responsible for Iowa’s victories in the freshman meets with other Big 10 Universities, by consistently winning first in the 100 and 220 yard dashes and the running broad jump. For this work he won his freshman numeral. During the summer of 1922 he traveled with the track team, making a fine showing in all meets. During the same summer he was a member of Iowa’s half mile relay team that took second in the National meet held at Chicago.


During the same year Iowa’s track relay team was breaking old records and establishing new ones for this event. It was the most talked of relay team in the country. This year found the team minute two of its stars. The coach seeking material picked Brother Roberts and began to develop him into a quarter miler. At the Illinois Relay Carnival he ran on the team that competed against some of the best teams in the country, and won the event. As a result his name now adorns a beautiful living cup at Illinois which will be Iowa’s if she wins the third leg on it next year. Since this event Brother Roberts has been running on the relay team.


Brother Roberts cannot give us his best in the indoors, but when the weather breaks we are looking for him to give other track stars his heels in the art of baton passing.


We are glad to have back in our midst Brother J.A. Blaine Dejoie of New Orleans. Brother Dejoie parted with his pin to the charming Miss Marguerite Lois Duvernay.


We are now working on plans for our “Go-to-High School, Go-to-College” campaign.



Fraternally yours,


Clifford V. Smith,

Sphinx Editor,

Alpha-Theta Chapter.


Chapter Officer: 1st row (L-R) William J. McCord, Rhoderic Harris (Charter Member), Byron McDaniel (Charter Member), Orthel T. Roberts. 2nd row (L-R) William Henry Harding, J. A. Blaine Dejoie (Charter Member), Clifford V. Smith (Charter Member).

© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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