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February 1927

Alpha Theta Chapter

Iowa City, Iowa


Brothers In Alpha Phi Alpha, Greetings:


The brothers of Alpha Theta returned proclaiming the joys and sorrows of their Christmas vacations and are now preparing high scholastic standard on the campus by a unanimous attack on the final examination.

At the annual election the following brothers were elected to lead Alpha Theta for the ensuing year: Brother Ralph Moody, President; Brother Russell Ragland, Vice-President; Brother James E. Taylor, Jr., Secretary; Brother Lawrence Whitman, Treasurer; Brother Charles N. Pitts, Steward, and Jas. W. Wilson, Sergeant-at-Arms. Guided by these brothers Alpha Theta can only continue the good work begun during the past years.

The chapter takes prides in announcing the fact that her percentage of graduates is steadily on the increase. Of the members of Alpha Theta a large percentage have either graduated or are in school at the present time.

To this rigidly maintained record of achievement we add two more points at the mid-term graduation. These worthy brothers, who will soon take their place in the game of life, are Brother Henry Harding, our President during the last year, who receives his A.B. in the Special Sciences, and Bro. Patrobus Cassius Robinson, who receive his degree in Chemistry. Alpha Theta regrets the loss of these Brothers, but wishes them as much success in life as their records prove that they have had while with Alpha Theta.


Alpha Theta is not crippled by the loss of these brothers, as we have with us this year three splendid brothers in Bro. Charles N. Pitts, Alpha Beta; Bro. Wm. A. Harris, Alpha Beta, and Bro. R. P. Perry, Alpha Omicron. These brothers have proven that they have the true Alpha Phi Alpha spirit.


The splendid work which Brother Orthel Roberts so creditably began by starring for three years on the University Varsity Track Team, is being carried on by Brother Lawrence Whitman, who runs the dashes, and Brother Ralph Moody, who specializes in the 440-yd. dash. Besides these brothers, we are represented on the Freshman Team by Pledges Jordan and Quinton in the dashes, and Moody and Goode, who are developing into two of the most promising middle-distance runners on the squad. You are sure to hear more of these men when the indoor track season gets started soon and in the out-door track season gets started soon and in the out-door meets. Under the guidance of Bro. Moody, our track medley-relay team is fast rounding into shape and preparing to win the large silver loving cup offered as first prize at the annual inter-fraternity relays. The team is composed of Brothers Moody and Whitman, and Pledges Jordan, Quinton, Benson, Moody, and Goode.


Alpha Theta plans to make this its banner year and hopes that every brother will unite to make this a banner year for Alpha Phi Alpha.


Congratulation and best wishes to the Brothers who graduate at mid-term.


Fraternally yours,

James E. Taylor, Jr

Chapter Editor

© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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