95th Annual Alpha Theta Chapter Celebration
The Do Work District
June 1926
Alpha Theta Chapter
Iowa City, Iowa
Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha, Greeting:
Brothers of Alpha Theta are now preparing their gas and heavy siege guns for the attack on the enemy the latter part of May and early June. Of course it is understood the enemy is nothing except the final examinations which take place between May 27th and June 5th, inclusive.
The annual Spring Part given by Alpha Theta May 1 was a grand success. The hall was gorgeously decorated in the frat colors and the floor was just right, so to speak. In order to make things “just 40” Mr. Jackson’s Five Aces played tantalizing and pleasing notes of jazz to the crowd of jubilant collegians who danced and danced and danced. The punch as it was good, but shortly after 11pm Brothers Harper and Wheeler discovered that some spiritual constituents had been poured in the punch by some naughty guest. The Brothers informed the guests of the accident and the punch bowl was drained in a few minutes.
Follow the Spring Part each brother and company had a delightful breakfast served in the spacious dining-room of the Iowa Memorial Sunday morning. (Perhaps it would be of interest to know that the Iowa Memorial was built by money donated by the students and alumni of Iowa, and all Alpha Theta members donated a liberal contribution.) Immediately after breakfast our guests of the weekend began to depart for St. Louis, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Omaha, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Ames, and other towns by automobile and railroad.
Alpha Theta still holds a limelight in the athletic world. Brother Bill White, often called Big Bill White, held down left halfback on the varsity eleven of Knox College during Spring practice, and the coach plus Alpha Theta are expecting great things of him when the gridiron season rolls around. Brother White now is out for track, being entered in the weight events. Brother Parks, of Bradley College, who won his numeral in ’23, is our again for the 440 and all Alpha Theta wishes him much success.
At Iowa University Brothers Roberts and Moody are the limelights of the varsity track team. Brother Roberts runs the 100, 220 and 440-yard dashes, while Brother Moody specializes in the 440. The Frosh track squad has a representative from Alpha Theta, being Brother L. Whitman, who runs the 100-yard dash in fast time. Brother Scott N. Harper is a member of the Frosh tennis team and so far has number of his opponents’ scalps in his possession. Brother Joel Holman, of Coe College, has drawn the hurling assignment for the varsity nine and Alpha Theta expects to see him wearing the big gold C on a red sweater before the summer grows old.
Brother Clifford V. Smith, a graduate of the Engineering School last year of Iowa, is back in Iowa City with A.A. Alexander Construction Co., which is building a $238, 000 heating plant for the university. Mr. Alexander is a graduate of the 1912 class of engineers of I.U.I., and a member of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity and one of the best, if not the best, construction engineers in the state. Alpha Theta feels that Mr. Alexander has secured the services of a very valuable and energetic young man in the person of Brother Smith. Perhaps it would be of interest to know that Brother Smith graduated at the age of 20 and of such a personality to be honored twice as president of Alpha Theta.
Brother S. Tanner Stafford, of Knox College, is entered in the Oratorical Contest of the Institution and Alpha Theta is pulling for him to come out on top.
Alpha Theta will lose the services and fraternity-ship of Brother O.T. Roberts, of Iowa University, and Brother S.T. Stafford, of Knox College, through graduation. Brother Roberts intends to tour Europe during the latter part of the summer, while Brother Stafford intends to enter the University of Pennsylvania in the fall and study medicine.
On March 7th Brother James Taylor, of Boley, Okla.; James Parks, St. Louis, Mo.; Marion Gray, Kansas City, Mo.; and William White, of Oberlin, Ohio, were initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha. Alpha Theta feels proud of the promising new Brothers.
Hoping all brother’s chapters a prosperous vacation. Alpha Theta is just about to close the school year well represented in athletics, in social life, and scholastically on the campus of the University of Iowa.
Fraternally yours,
Kermitt Wheeler,
Chapter Editor.