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April 1926

Alpha Theta Chapter

Iowa City, Iowa


Brothers In Alpha Phi Alpha, Greetings:


Alpha Theta mourns the loss of Bro. J. A. B. DeJoie of New Orleans, La., who received his degree from the College of Pharmacy here. Bro. Dejoie has returned to New Orleans, where he intends to take the board examination and then enter the pharmaceutical world. All Alpha Theta wishes Bro. Dejoie much success.

Bro. O.T. Roberts is still burning the cinder path at Iowa and every day he is expected by his numerous and loyal supporters to crack dash records. In the Iowa-Wisconsin meet Roberts was high point with 10 points to his credit. In the Iowa-Illinois meet Roberts ran the 50-yard dash in :05 4-10 seconds, and the 440 in :50 8-10 seconds. In the coming Indoor Relay Carnival held at Illinois Bro. Roberts will run second leg on the Iowa mile relay team. Bro. Moody is still training diligently for track and Alpha Theta expects great things from him when the outdoor season opens.



Not only is Alpha Phi Alpha represented on the track at Iowa City, but on the gridiron as well. Bro. J. W. Wilson, a well-built 180-pounder, is holding down an end position on the first varsity eleven during Spring practice. From reliable sources about the campus comes the mysterious words that Coach Ingerversen says "he’s the best out." All Alpha Theta is 100 per cent behind their stalwart athlete.



Probation week is just about to break loose at Alpha Theta and the pledges are getting in a good supply of puddles, barrels and salt water. The salt water puzzles some of our pledges, but they are going to school because they do not know quite everything, hence this is some more knowledge added to their stored amount.


Since the mid-year exams worries are history, study is as hard as ever, members of Alpha Theta are building air castles as to where to spend the Spring vacation. But day by day each brother is gradually coming to the conclusion Iowa City isn’t such a bad place, so most of us have decided to stick around.

The intelligent man-always looks forward to the future, so, brothers, pardon the bouquets, but Alpha Theta is looking forward and planning future events. We intend to push the annual Go-To-High School, Go-to-College Campaign to the utmost this year, and make it the most successful in our history. Also as a minor we are planning our first big Spring Party.



When? We shall let you know later.



Fraternally yours,

Kenneth Wheeler

Chapter Editor.

© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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