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February 1926

Alpha Theta Chapter

Iowa City, Iowa






Alpha Theta is back to normal after a very enjoyable holiday vacation. Two of the members of Alpha Theta Chapter extended their vacation a day longer than the granted holidays. Bro. Greene found so much attraction in Chicago in the person of a charming young lady that the Dental Class missed him when the roll was called Tuesday. While in St. Louis Bro. Robinson took too long to bid farewell to his many feminine friends and missed the train either by accident or on purpose.


            We were represented at the Convention by Bro. O. T. Roberts, varsity track man for two years. Bro. Roberts now has all the brothers regretting very much that they did not attend the Convention, which was the best convention by far held by Alpha Phi Alpha.


            The election of officers placed quite a few new faces at Alpha Theta’s helm. Brothers Henry Harding, President; Bro. Russel ragland, Vice President; Bro. Ernest Greene, Secretary; Bro. Ralph Moody, Treasurer; Bro. Arthel Roberts, Sergeant-at-Arms; Bro. J. W. Clark, Steward; and Bro. Kermitt Wheeler, Chapter Editor.


One peculiar thing about Alpha Theta is that it is located in the state of Iowa and only one member on the roster, namely, Bro. J. W. Clark of Des Moines. The other members are from various states, North, South, East, and West.


On the track team Alpha Phi Alpha is represented by Bro. O. T. Roberts, who specializes in the 100, 220, and 440-yd. dashes, and the broad jump. Bro. Roberts was high point man of the track team last year, and this is his last year of varsity competition. During his time at Iowa, Bro. Roberts has established a record as a good student, model Alpha man, member of the Hawkeye Club, besides winning his numeral and two letters on the track team. He now is striving to win his third and final letter. Bro. Ralph Moody, a cousin of Bro. Roberts, is also out for track. Although this is his first year of competition, Bro. Moody is pressing varsity candidates for the 440 and 880-yd. Dashes. All Alpha Theta wishes and lends Brothers Roberts and Moody their most hearty support to make the varsity team.


Pin trouble is in evidence at Alpha Theta and quite a few of the brothers intend to follow retiring President Dejoie’s action and hang their pins. So far we know there’s trouble, but we can not find the brothers involved with the exception of Brothers Dejoie, mcDaniels and W. Wilson.


Brothers Clark  and Harper went to Des Moines during the Delta Sigma Theta Convention, and from reliable sources from Des Moines, it is said the two brothers swept the charming Delta Sig’s off their feet. We feel that this is true because both brothers returned to school with camel, burnouses, and sand. Although it is cold, plenty of ice and snow out here in Iowa, our sheiks, namely Brothers Greene, W. Wilson, Clark, and Harper, still cling to their camels and sand to keep from slipping.


Alpha Theta is represented in athletics on the campus by a fast basketball team which to date has swept all opponents off their feet. Several white fraternities are among Alpha Theta’s victims. The team is composed of Brothers Scott Harper, captain and forward; W. Wilson, center; Byron McDaniels and Kermitt Wheeler, guards. Pledges James Taylor, forward; and Crispus McCoy, center, have shown ability enough to hold their respective positions.

Bro. Raleigh Wilson, former Chapter Editor, is working on his M. A. degree which he and all Alpha Theta hopes he shall receive in June.


Brothers Dejoie, Clark, and Wheeler still have their nightly arguments whether the prettiest of the fairer sex are from Louisiana, Iowa, or Missouri. Brothers Dejoie and Wheeler are usually against Bro. Clark.


Alpha Theta wishes all chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


Fraternally yours,

Kermitt Wheeler

Chapter Editor

© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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