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December 1925


Iowa City, Iowa


Brothers, All Greetings:


Alpha Theta Chapter is now enjoying the most prosperous year of its existence. It is rapidly climbing to the place where it can be recognized as one of the best of Alpha Phi Alpha faith. It has been with great pleasure that we have watched it grow from such a lowly position to its present high rating.


The present status of Alpha Theta is the result of several things. Perhaps the first and most important is the increase in membership, composed of young men of exceptionally high aims, for the most part. This year the chapter boasts of elven brothers, three of whom are members of other chapters, namely: Scott Harper of Evanston. Illinois, and while a student at Illinois University became affiliated with Tau; James W. Wilson of Alpha Beta of Talladega College, and Ernest Green, also of Alpha Beta. These three brothers are alert and energetic, seeking ever to take advantage of an opportunity which will make a better Alpha Phi Alpha. They are versatile in that they are developed both socially and scholastically–not a too common occurrence.


Another cause of alpha Theta’s well-being is a financial one. Maintaining a chapter house for the second year, our financial burden has been lightened because of our increased membership. By the end of this school year it is hoped that every outstanding debt will be paid off and with the coming term of 1926-27, a greater opportunity for advancement will be at hand.

The almost complete accord here enables us to accomplish much and it is only for us to set our goal high and agreeably work toward it.

Alpha Theta has been the host at several parties this year and everyone has been a pronounced success. Decorative designs for each have been very unique, especially that of Halloween, when Brother J. W. Clark, our Junior Engineering student, artistically mingled Alpha colors and tall corn so as to secure a most pleasing effect. On this same occasion brother Scott Harper has prepared real pumpkins, which are truly symbols of Halloween time.


Several of the members spent the week-end of November 13, 14, 15 out of town. Brothers Orthel Roberts, Kermit Wheeler, J.W. Wilson were guests of Mu Chapter at Minneapolis, where they journeyed to see the clash between Iowa and Minnesota; Ralph Moody attended the students’ council in Des Moines, while Ernest Green preferred to see the Dartmouth-Chicago tangle at Chicago, but we consider that there is another magnet in the Windy City which exerts a mighty pull on our good Brother Green.


Alpha Theta has some very fine pledges in Marian Gray of Kansas City, Cripus McCoy of Kansas City, William A. Johns of Austin, Texas; Lawrence Whitman of St. Louis, and James Laylor of Boley, Oklahoma. Each of these men appears eager to "come up."

Alpha Phi Alpha and especially Alpha Theta wishes to congratulate Brother Dr. and Mrs. Rhoderic Harris on the birth of a fine baby girl, born this month. Brother Harris is a practicing dentist, having finished here at Iowa two years ago, and is building a fine patronage at Keokuk, Iowa. The fraternity also extends its sincere congratulation to Brother Joel P. Holman, who was married this month to Miss Gertrude Alnutt at Cedar Rapids, where he is attending Coe College.


Alpha Theta was host during Homecoming at Iowa to a group of fine young men from Bradley College of Peoria. They are earnestly seeking to have a chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha set up at Bradley, and since we were impressed favorably by them, we believe that a chapter composed of them and others of their caliber will mean a fine addition to our national organization.

The writer confesses to being optimistic, but Alpha Theta is doing things and such a bright future is so apparent that one cannot help being enthusiastic.


Fraternally yours,

Ralph Wilson.


© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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