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June 1925

Alpha Theta Chapter

Iowa City, Iowa


Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha, Greetings


Alpha Theta is quite jubilant lately for two big reasons. And one will readily admit that these reasons are sufficient to give us a feeling of joy.


The first cause of our elation is the rating which the chapter received in the first semester fraternity averages. Out of the list of twenty-seven fraternities in the University Alpha Theta ranked ninth, putting us, as can be seen, in the upper third of the groups.


As a result of this, this showing, which one will admit could have been better, every brother is endeavoring to attain a higher semester average and keep the chapter on a high scholastic footing. Of course, grades do not mean everything, but they do mean enough to make us strive to make them as high as possible, since they are given us and greatly determine whether we pass or fail.


The other thing for which we are proud is the attainment of our own Brother T. Orthel Roberts who during the present season is really showing speed on the track. He is admittedly the fleetest man that wears the colors of "Old Hold," at the present and much is expected of him in the future "Big Ten" conference meets.

I will quote just a few of Brother Roberts’ accomplishments. In the indoor dual meet with Wisconsin he was second in the 100 and 440-yeard dashes; in the Kansas Relays, he was a member of the half-mile relay team which took fourth; in the Drake Relays, he was a member of the quarter-mile and half mile relay team which took third and fourth place, respectively; in the All-University meet for championship by no other than the great Brookins who is no longer competing on the varsity, having already been three years on the team. Brother Roberts in this meet took first in the 440-yeard an in doing so beat the holder of the Conference record, Chan coulter, by yard; he was first in the 220-yeard and second in the 100-yeard dash.


Brother William j. McCord is gaining some fame as a reader. He gave a recital of one his readings over the University radio broadcasting station on March 28, and on April 30, he rendered Eugene Oneill’s "Dreamy Kid" before the University Dramatic Club.


Our new members, Brothers Clark, Robinson and Wheeler, are enjoying their new privileges as members of Alpha Theta and for them some co-operative work which will lead to further advancement, awaits in the future. These new brothers already have grasped the typical Alpha spirit.


Fraternally yours,

Raleigh Wilson

Editor to the Sphinx

© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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