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April 1927

Alpha Phi Alpha

Iowa City, Iowa


Brothers In Alpha Phi Alpha, Greetings:


Alpha Theta comes to you through this issue stronger in members and in spirit, because five men have proven to us, through their activities, that they are ready to grasp the spirit and fraternal love of Alpha Phi Alpha. These Brothers who were permitted to see the light on March 12th are: Brother Alfred Wilson, Brother Kenneth O’Neil, Brother Richard Smith, Brother Clifton Tinsley, and Brother Louis White. Alpha Theta prizes these men to such an extent that she should tell you something of the activities of each of them

Brother Louis White, Freshman; Y.M.C.A delegate to the late convention of religious students at Milwaukee, is a member of the Freshman Cabinet, a member of the Y.M.C.A Council, and a leader in Christian activities on the campus.



Brother C.T. Tinsley, a senior, majoring in psychology and philosophy, is one of the leading student s in the department. Besides his school work, Brother Tinsley is a candidate for the varsity baseball nine. Considering his previous experience, we are assured of the pleasure of watching him send them out of the park.


Brother Kenneth O’Neil, the chapter artist, is a student in the School of Fine Arts. With his previous training at Summer High School, in St. Louis, Mo., Brother O’Neil is sure to succeed in this work.


Brother Alfred Wilson, the Little Czar of the chapter, is a student in the College of Liberal Arts and one of the foremost in university activities. Although he did not play in the backfield in high school football, Brother Wilson is first string quarterback on the freshman eleven during spring practice.


Brother Richard Smith is the sage of the new Brother. Always quit and conservative, he bears out the old proverb, Still water runs deep. He is a student in the College of Liberal Arts.


Alpha Theta is proud to offer to you these Brothers, and we feel that they have grasped the true spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha, and you may expect to hear more and greater things of them.


Word comes to us that Brother Patrobas Robinson, who left us at the midterm graduation, is now an instructor of chemistry and physics at Muskgee Institute. And from St. Louis comes word that Brother Henry Harding is employed in the offices of Poro College. Alpha Theta wishes the best of luck to these Brothers who are just beginning their voyage on the sea of life.

We are anxiously looking forward to the Go-to-High School, Go-to-College Campaign week. We hope for all our chapters the best of success in this great work.


James E. Taylor, Jr

Chapter Secretary.


© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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