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February 1931


Get Financial Drive On At Iowa’s Alpha Theta


Brother Bennie E. Taylor conducted the installation of Alpha Theta’s officers Sunday Jan. 11, 1931. Brother Taylor surrendered the president’s chair and executive authority to Brother R. l. Barrett with simple but impressive ceremony. Brother R. J. Smith, vice president retiring, very considerately attended to the installation of the remaining officers out of consideration of the president’s slight indisposition.


The new administration has announced a program for the coming year of such unusual magnitude as to make the outlook for Alpha Thetas future indeed promising. We earnestly beseech our brothers in the band to follow our endeavors through the pages of The Sphinx in the future.


Alpha Theta has launched a "Get Financial" campaign from which we hope to realize as a result a chapter 100 per cent financial. We take this opportunity to request that our brothers who are not among us will lend the matter of your financial standing immediate attention and communicate with Brother Dudley C. Black at once regarding becoming financial, if you have not already done so.


We are happy to have recently received new from Pittsburgh of Brother Louis B. white, and take pride in announcing that Brother White persists in the same admirable degree of attainment which marked his achievements at Iowa. The brother is registered in the graduate college of sociology at the University of Pittsburgh, having been chosen as the National Urban League’s representative to continue research study in the field of Negro social organization. Brother White is one of the outstanding sons of Alpha Theta. The chapter takes pride in his success.



To our several queries as to what has become of Brother James E. Taylor, Jr., we are happy to reply that Brother Taylor, one year secretary and two years president of Alpha Theta, is now in charge of the department of Biology at Langston University in Oklahoma. Brother Taylor left the University in 1929, having taken the B.S. degree in biology and completed several hours towards his M.A. Alpha Theta is proud to acknowledge the success of this brother.

For the information of our many friends who manifest such friendly interest in our alumni brothers, we shall publish a roster of their whereabouts and their several achievements in our next letter to The Sphinx.



We are already off to a running start in our education campaign. Our organization has been perfected and details have begun to take definite form with a view to making this year Alpha Theta’s greatest Go-to-High School, Go-to-College year.



Bennie E. Taylor


© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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