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May 1932




Alpha Theta Celebrates Its Tenth Anniversary



Founder’s day is always looked forward to by brothers around and near Alpha Theta with hopeful solicitude. This year was no exception – rather the extreme – for everyone knew that March the eleventh, Alpha Theta’s tenth birthday, would mean a real celebration. And so it was, on that night every brother, neophyte and lowly pledge was assembled to take a part.


The program consisted of a short hour at bridge after which the banquet table was spread and the yum, yum, the smacking of lips, and the gurgle, gurgle began. That being over with we heard a word or so from the brother celebrities.


The banquet program was conducted by Brother James E. Taylor acting as master of ceremonies. Brother Gerald R. Boyd, present chapter historian, have a brief history of the chapter. Brother R. P. Perry (see Significant Alpha News) spoke commenting on the chapter’s progress. The principle speaker for the evening was Brother Rhoderic Harris, who is a charter member from whose untiring efforts Alpha Theta received


impetus. Brother Harris related the conditions under which the chapter was set up; he traced its progress through his years as chapter president and in conclusion urged cooperation and earnest endeavor for a greater Alpha Theta. Brother Harris is practicing dentistry in Keokuk and is a graduate of the University of Iowa. There was also Brother Clifford V. Smith, another chart member who made a short talk reminiscing the days of Alpha Theta’s first existence. Brother Smith is practicing engineering with Mr. A. A. Alexander of Des Moines. Brother Smith is at present located in Galesburg, Ill. Another Charter member who was present was Brother Byron McDaniels, who urged furtherance of the “good work”. Brother “Mac” is the “favorite son” and is located at the chapter seat in Iowa City.


Speeches were interspersed with singing the National Anthem, Alpha Theta’s toast song and others. Oh yes, a new song was dedicated; it was “Sweetheart of A. Phi. A” – words by Brother Roscoe L. Barrett. In conclusion Brother Barrett outlined Alpha Theta’s program for the remaining part of the school year mentioning the plans for educational week, a regional convention and the annual Spring dance, which will be given April 30th. Banqueting was over, bridge was resumed, the favorite gurgle, gurgle was heard again and the glamor rose, but soon died out until stillness again grippled Alpha Theta. It was an early hour; the feting was over and thus Alpha Theta passed its tenth anniversary.


Here is a little social item of interest. Mr. Langston Hughes, who lectured at the University of Iowa on his poems, was entertained at bridge and luncheon at Alpha Theta on March 8th.


-Kenneth R. O’Neal 



© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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