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May 1932





The Alpha Hall of Fame


Alpha Theta is exceptionally proud to be represent in the Alpha Hall of Fame by Brother Alfred H. Wilson. Incidentally I am fortunate in having known Brother Wilson some years before his attendance at the University of Iowa, which pleases me much more to write concerning him. Brother Wilson came to the University of Iowa in September, 1926, with an exceptional record as a scholar, an athlete, a leader, and certainly as one active in social life. He pledged in the fall of 1926 and saw the light in Alpha Phi Alpha in the following spring. Since that time Brother “Al” has taken an active part in campus and fraternity life.


Upon his entrance at the University he immediately became interested in making Iowa’s varsity football squad, but was hindered by injuries received while practicing which were of sufficient seriousness ot retire him from further progress as a football star. Brother “Al” returned, however, in the fall of ’27 and took up boxing, at which he proved quite a success, having tied for the university championship. Like most fighters he knew when to quit and after winning these honors, quit he did.



His fighting spirit did not end here, but found outlet in other activities. Brother “Al” became president of the Student Forum in 1928. During his presidency the Forum became a member of the Inter-Church Council which broadened the activities of the Forum and stimulated interest among its members. Brother “Al” also served as freshman advisor, in which capacity he again demonstrated his ability to direct and lead others.


He has also served on various committees, namely the rushing committee, the social committee, and the educational committee. As a social chairman, Brother “Al” was exceptionally talented. We owe him much for his untiring efforts in making Alpha Theta outstanding for its social functions and its recognition throughout the state. He has always been among those who have spoken at mass meeting and broadcasted over WSUI during educational week. He is at present chapter auditor and head of the chapter’s social activities.


As a scholar Brother “Al” is “one.” He has been among the few brothers who have helped to hold Alpha Theta’s scholastic average at the top ranks. He received the bachelor’s degree in January, 1931, with a major in chemistry. He is now doing graduate work and in June he will receive the degree of Master of Science. Brother Wilson is expecting to teach chemistry. His record at Iowa is a sure indication of his future success.


-Kenneth R. O’Neal 



© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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