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October 1931


Alpha Theta Welcomes Five “Visiting” Brothers


Alpha Theta at the State University of Iowa ended its most successful year with a series of events that will be recorded as most important steps in its history.

First of all was the step made by the educational committee which was headed by Brother Bennie E. Taylor. Together with Brother Roscoe L. Barrett, state director of education, the committee originated. The Older Students Conference in order to bring together the Negro high school graduates of the state.

Correspondence was made to many all over the state. A broadcast was made from the University station WSUI and many were entertained by speeches made by Brothers B.E. .Taylor and R.L. Barrett.

To bring final fruits for their efforts the committee made a lecture tour to the principal cities. We take great pleasure in announcing the result of their efforts, for on May 1 we carried on the conference in great style.

On the next night, May 2, 150 couples danced away into the night to the syncopation of Earle Van Dyke’s Cotton Pickers. Visitors were here from as far as North Carolina. Everyone left well satisfied. Alpha Theta had made another big social step.

The – (Whack  Whack! The thudding of paddles was heard far into the night) there came the spring invitation. Five meek pledges were lead into the ranks. These were James T. Howard, Benjamin B. Lipscomb, Gerald R. Boyd, James E. Keitt, and Charles B. Ware.

Quite a few brothers graduated at the June commencement. Brother Richard Smith graduated from the graduate school of Pharmacy. Brother Bennie E. Taylor and Brother Lawrence R. Whitman graduated with B.A. degrees. With the June commencement Alpha Theta had closed one of her most successful years.

At the end of summer school Brother Thomas P. Dolley graduated with a Master’s degree from the school of Zoology. Brother Cohen T. Simpson was also the receiver of a master’s in Chemistry.

The fall semester has started. The brothers are indeed surprised and delighted that Brother Barrett, president and steward, has moved Alpha Theta into a beautiful new chapter house. The address in 818 South Dubuque Street.

We are proud of the spacious and comfortable quarters in which we now live. We have a new boarding department under the supervision of Brother Richard C. Williams who has returned after a year’s absence.

We have five visiting brothers this year. Brother Henry S. Marshall is from Alpha Zeta at West Virginia State College. He received his B.S. Degree there and is now working on a master’s degree in zoology. Brother Raphall E. Tisdale and Brother Walter Booker from Alpha Rho, at Morehouse are also working on Masters’ degree in zoology. Brother Rufus Perry, who received his M.A. here in ’27, is working on his Ph.D. in chemistry. He is from Johnson C. Smith University and is a member of Alpha Omicron Chapter there. Brother George B. Grossen is here from Sigma Chapter at Boston University. This ends our list of visiting brothers.

We are indeed surprised to find Brother Bennie E. Taylor back again to work on a Master’s degree in education. He brought with him his brother, Brother James Taylor, who has started on a master’s degree in zoology. Brother Kenneth R. O’Neal is also back and is now taking civil engineering. Brother Alfred H. Wilson is back to complete his work on a master’s degree in chemistry.

Our seniors this year are: Brother Richard Carey, school of medicine; Millard Dean, dental school; Roscoe L. Barrett, Liberal Arts College.

-Charles B. Ware

© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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