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June 1923


Alpha-Theta Chapter

State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha





As the school year draws to a close, we find Alpha-Theta passing her first milestone in Alpha Phi Alpha. Since we are affiliated with the largest and best college fraternity for colored college men of creditable caliber, Alpha-Theta feels that she is duly proud of some of the active brothers that will see Alpha Phi Alpha persist with all her principles upheld. Like all fraternal organizations, Alpha Phi Alpha has some brothers who are dormant at times about current issues, and do not seem to be enlivened with the spark of pep that will keep all masters sounded. The splendid example that is up before all of us is the example of Brother Oscar C. Brown. It is needless to enumerate the many good things that Brother Brown is doing for all of us in common, since his election to the position of Editor of The SPHINX.



The one thing that stands out from his work is that he is Alpha Phi Alpha all the time. His work for our organization is a pleasure for him. It has been said, "Find your work and them make a pleasure of it." The most credit comes from such an end in view. Therefore, let every Alpha Phi Alpha man take this as the classic example and profit and see our old fraternity thrive. Three cheers for the old Alpha Phi Alpha spirit.

Alpha-Theta held its initiation on March 10th.



Two new brothers who are fully imbued with Alpha Phi Alpha, passes the necessary requirements and safely landed across the sand of the desert to the sweet haven of rest and happiness. They are Brothers Russell Caldwell Ragland, Liberal Arts I. of Peoria. ILL. And William Joseph McCord, Liberal Arts II. Of Kansas City, Kans. Brother McCord recently took and place in a declamatory contest, speaking on "Booker T. Washington and the Race Problem." Many contestants participated in this event. Much interest and amusement was added to the initiation formalities by Brother J. H. N. Jones. He clearly showed that he was versed in all the arts of entertaining the Unearthly Ones. With his voice roaring about like a monstrous lion he thoroughly convinced the Unearthly Ones of the Importance of their mission. A stag followed this event. Thus ended our first Founders Day ceremonies.



Brother Joel P. Holman who attends school at Coe College, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is expecting to make 99 in all his finals. Seemingly a certain fair one of these environs, who is now residing elsewhere, occupied so many his evening that his concentrating powers quivered.



We see Brother Judge I. Jones very often of late on the tennis courts well attended. We doubt his primary interest in the tennis however. The strangeness of the situation is where does Brother Holmes come in. The young lady seems to be keeping both of the good brothers guessing at present.



The Iowa Memorial Union has selected one Alpha man, out of the seventy-five students selected from various colleges of the University. The purpose of this selection was to organize the state into an Iowa Memorial Club. The various clubs in every county representative for this work was Brother Eugene F. Bailey, of Wapello County. This work continues through the entire year.



Alpha-Theta has one pledge, Mr. Orthel Roberts, of St. Louis, Mo. Roberts has made a good record in athletics on the Freshman team, participating in such events as the broad jump, 100 and the 220, Recently, in an all University meet, Roberts capped the gold by taking first place in the 100 and second place in the 220, making both in good time. We feel proud to state that Roberts will be eligible for the varsity squad next year.


We all look forward to a bigger and greater year next year and surely "Columbus or Bust" is ours. We shall be there.




J.A. Blaine Dejoie,


© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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