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June 1930


Alpha Theta Set High Campaign Mark


The greatest portion of Alpha Thetas activities since our last new report have centered about the Education Adjustment Movement (formerly known as the Go-to-High school Go-to-College Campaign) within the territory of Iowa. Brother Louis B. White, chairman of our educational Committee, and recently appointed State Director of Educational Activities with the able assistance of brothers Milliard R. Dean, sophomore "Dent" from Glencoe, Illinois, and Augustus P. Ewing senior history major, worked out the details of procedure from the chapter seat, the University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.


Following is the order in which subjects selected by the Director and committee were present by speakers on the three main programs given in Cedar Rapids. Des Moines, and for the radio broadcast from station WSUI at the University of Iowa. The subjects covered by our speakers were so arranged that a picture was painted depicting the past and present panorama of Negro economic, social, and cultural life. Thus a cumulative effect resulted from this order: First, a talk on the history of the Negro’s economic status and adjustments made by him so as to meet these conditions: secondly, a talk describing the work and possibilities of colleges, both Negro and white, with special emphasis upon the values realized in these institutions: thirdly, a talk centered about personal experiences of the speaker, showing actual things accomplished among student of several different races who thru their common interests and view of the world about them, found real genuine fellowship I cooperative activity; fourthly a speech dwelling upon the future of the Negro race and the effect of educated leadership upon that future; and lastly, a succinct story of how, as an outcome of their recognition of facts similar to those recounted in the above talk, the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, Inc., has set upon this Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College Campaign, entreating each and every boy, girl, and parent to see how our future is dependent upon education.


On April 34th, last the Alpha Theta Quartette made up of Brothers Bennie Taylor, Roscoe Barrett, William Seabron and Richard Smith broadcast a musical program from WSUL, over which station they have made Alpha Theta and themselves known too many folk. The Alpha Trio, consisting of Brothers R. Smith, W. Seabron and Edward Thompkins, also sang a group of popular numbers arranged by Brother Tompkins who is very renowned as a "hot" trumpeter.



Three days later, on April 27th, Brothers Millard Dean, Forest Young, Augustus Ewing, and Louis White, journeyed to Cedar Rapids, IA…where at Mount Zion Baptist Church they led a mass meeting of talks according to the outline given above and also which by the way was the first project of that nature ever prosecuted



© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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