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February 1923

Alpha-Theta Chapter

State University of Iowa, Iowa City Iowa


Hail 1923, Greetings, Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha:


With the advent of 1923, one sees many changes and interesting things associated about our great fraternity. So little has been heard of Alpha-Theta up to this time, that it is with greatest pleasure she becomes better known with her sister Chapters.



With the return of our delegate from St. Louis, this chapter has taken on new life and Alpha Phi Alpha spirit, characteristic of the Convention. We have with us this year three old brothers whose interest and assistance has been the very best. They are the real caliber men both in Alpha Phi Alpha and in their class work. Brother J.H.N. Jones, of Theta Chapter, Chicago, ILL., is a senior "Medic" this year and is keeping them guessing in that department. Brother J.I Jones, of Upsilon Chapter, Lawrence, Kans., is slated with the senior pharmacists. Brother Jones is never too busy to attend meetings, Brother Steward T.A. Pickett, of Tau Chapter, Champaign, ILL., is undecided whether he will remain at Iowa for the second semester or not. Brother Pickett’s basketball team, composed of our men did not materialize probably due to Brother Pickett’ lack of time to drill the men to the point of perfection.



Brother Lawes and Brother Graham are living in Chicago, Brother Graham studying at the University of Illinois and Brother Holmes is studying at Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Gruesome Death has crept into our numbers in the last year, and Brother Clarence C. Coles has answered the call. He is much missed in our ranks.



Brother Rhoderic H. Harris, our retiring president, expects to leave Iowa City soon. It is with regret that we will lose Brother Harris for we feel that it has been through his unceasing efforts that we have reached the present place in the Brotherhood of Alpha Phi Alpha. We wish him the best of lick in any of his pursuits. Perhaps Cupid has not been idle within the last month. At any rate best wishes, Brother Harris.

Alpha-Theta has been honored with a visit from Brother Aaron Malone., of St. Louis, Mo, recently.

The following officers were elected to guide the Chapter for the next year: President, Brother Clifford V. Smith: Vice President, Brother Byron H. McDaniels: Secretary Brother E. F. Bailey; Treasurer, Brother I.V. Muse: Historian and Sergeant-at-Arms Brother J.A. Blaine DeJoie; Steward, Brother C. Leonard Morris.

Alpha-Theta extends best New Year’s greetings to all the sister Chapters and wishes them all success for 1923.



J.A. Blaine.



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© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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