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December 1938

Alpha Theta Chapter  University of Iowa  

Greetings Brothers: 

 Alpha Theta is happy to once more welcome back to the campus of the University of Iowa its brothers in A Phi A. We are indeed happy to welcome returning brother Alexander Walkers, Bennie Brown, Augustus Low, Thomas Pawley, William Edward Hebert, Julian Mason, Earl Smith, Inman Perkins, and Frank Nicholson. Coming to the campus for the first time are Brothers George Ragland of Beta Kappa, Langston University; Abishi Cunningham of Alpha Zeta, West Virginia State College; Richard Johnson and George Barbour of Beta Theta, Bluefield, W. Va. Union University. Also returning after an absence of several years to complete work on their doctorates are Brothers Rodney Higgins and Thomas Dooley. 

 Beta Theta celebrated Homecoming, the week end of October 8th with open house to the visitors and a party following the game that proved to be a swell affair. We were very fortunate to have with us at this time Brother Sydney A. Jones, Western Vice-President. At a special meeting called during his sojourn in the city Brother Jones gave us some very encouraging remarks and some very enlightening information, with best wishes to all for a very successful school year. 


 We wish to take this time to extend our sympathy to Brother Don Richardson and Reginald Reid who were forced to discontinue their work because of illness. Our sincerest wishes to them for a speedy recovery and their return to I. U. 
 Beta Theta planned quite an elaborate dinner dance for December 9, in commemoration of Founders Day. This marked the beginning of our formal season and our pre-Christmas party. 

 To all brother of Beta Kappa and Alpha Phi Chapters the time has come to dig deeply down in to the pockets of the old jeans. It looks like wedding bells for Brother George “Romeo” Ragland and the comely Miss Velma Dean of Oklahoma City

Your Correspondent,  Clifton R. Jones.

© 1922- 2016 / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / The Do Work District of Iowa

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